When you want to report a problem with an instrument and / or the Multi Channel oscilloscope software, it is preferred that you contact us via this form. Please provide the following information (when possible):
- The name and serial number(s) of the instrument(s) 1
- The version number of the installed USB driver for the instrument(s) 1
- The version number of the Multi Channel oscilloscope software 2
- A saved measurement setup (.TPS file) showing the issue
- A screenshot (.PNG file) showing issue
- The Windows version you use
1 Go to menu Info button.
From the dialog that shows, select and copy all displayed info.
2 Go to menu .
From the About box, select and copy the complete version string.
You will receive a copy of the sent form at the e-mail address you supplied.
TiePie engineering
Koperslagersstraat 37
The Netherlands
+31 515 415 416
+31 515 418 819
The combined size of attachments must not exceed 32 MByte.